Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Love the Web. Or how the Web changed my life, forever.

It was circa 1996 that I started interacting with a new medium: the Web. By then, images were already woven into the fabric of Web sites, which resulted on a rich experience. Hours and hours were spent browsing, jumping from link to link, very close to the way thoughts spread in a brain. I was in awe.

And then, something magic happened. Right-click, view source. My life changed forever.

I already had some experience with computers and programming, since the early age of 10. DOS and (Turbo) Pascal were my two best buddies for long nights. But the possibilities of creating something out of a simple text editor, and deploying it to the World... oh boy, that was a game changer.

Fast forward a nice bunch of years. My short(-ish) research scientist carrier at the University of Lisbon has been fully centred on the Web and the way people use it: hypertext processing, accessibility, usability. At the same time, my creative roots and need for "that feeling of accomplishment" led me to invent and experiment with the more practical side of the Web.

And an opportunity of a lifetime emerged. I'm blogging sitting in my bed in California, where I'll be working for the next years at a pretty nice company.

I'll be spending most of my time tinkering on Web front-end technologies, applying all the knowledge I've gathered in the past 11 years at the University, pursuing the goal of improving the user experience on one of the Web's principal gateways.


Let the fun begin!

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